Our Mission

Established in 1995, Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov/Ohr Eliyahu (YAYOE) is an Orthodox Jewish school that strives to provide a clear mission and an excellent education to students from pre-nursery to eighth grade. Ohr Eliyahu is dedicated to providing an education that is centered around Orthodox Jewish values, traditions, and instills a love for learning in all students.


Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov/Ohr Eliyahu will provide a comprehensive curriculum of Religious and General Studies based on the laws, customs and traditions of, and in consonance with, the highest standards of Torah and Torah Observant Judaism.  Our primary goal is that the cumulative experiences of our students over the years result in enthusiastic and dedicated religious study and observance, refinement of character, and the prerequisite knowledge to be successful participants in the economic and social life of our society—in short, to create a mensch.  Towards this end, YAYOE will strive to instill in its students the knowledge that every person is created in the image of G-d, a lifelong love of learning and a desire to ultimately use their unique gifts to make a contribution to the Jewish People.

Therefore: Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov/Ohr Eliyahu students will be:

  1. Torah observant Jews for whom:
    Belief and trust in Hashem are constant in all aspects of their lives.
    The principles of the Torah and the fulfillment of its Mitzvos are the focus and passion of their lives and guide their choices and actions.
    Interaction with others is characterized by mutual respect and acts of loving kindness.
    Refinement of one’s character is a recognized responsibility requiring lifelong commitment.
    The love of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel is integral  to their world view.
  1. Productive individuals who:
    Respect and appreciate religious freedom in America.
    Recognize their own and others’ value and strengths.
    Recognize their responsibility to contribute to their community, the Jewish people and the world.
  1. Literate individuals who:
    Can communicate effectively through spoken and written means.
    Read English with fluency and understanding.
    Use the Hebrew language as a means to meaningful prayer and Torah Studies learning.
    Build accuracy and fluency in Hebrew reading.
  1. Thinkers who:
    Identify, gather, and interpret information.
    Analyze data and apply it to simple and complex ideas and situations.
    Use logical reasoning to reach sound conclusions.
    Are able to approach challenges from a variety of perspectives to generate creative solutions.
    Can integrate concepts and ideas across multiple disciplines.
    Use appropriate technology responsibly to create high quality work and to communicate their knowledge and values.
  1. Individuals who:
    Recognize music, dance, art, and physical fitness as part of a multifaceted and integrated mode of self and community expression.
    See music, dance, art and physical fitness as normal, attainable modes of expression in our everyday lives.
  1. Leaders and Team Players who:
    Recognizing the characteristics of leadership in themselves and others.
    Demonstrate the ability to work individually and/or collaboratively in a cooperative spirit.
    Work together to meet challenges and solve problems.
  1. Achievers and Life-Long Learners who:
    View continued learning as a continuous process.
    Work hard and strive to do their best.

The creation of the State of Israel is one of the seminal events in Jewish history.  Recognizing the significance of the State and its national institutions, we seek to instill in our students an attachment to the State of Israel and its people as well as a sense of responsibility for their welfare.