Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov/Ohr Eliyahu will provide a comprehensive curriculum of Religious and General Studies based on the laws, customs and traditions of, and in consonance with, the highest standards of Torah and Torah Observant Judaism. Our primary goal is that the cumulative experiences of our students over the years result in enthusiastic and dedicated religious study and observance, refinement of character, and the prerequisite knowledge to be successful participants in the economic and social life of our society—in short, to create a mensch. Towards this end, YAYOE will strive to instill in its students the knowledge that every person is created in the image of G-d, a lifelong love of learning and a desire to ultimately use their unique gifts to make a contribution to the Jewish People.
Therefore: Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov/Ohr Eliyahu students will be:
The creation of the State of Israel is one of the seminal events in Jewish history. Recognizing the significance of the State and its national institutions, we seek to instill in our students an attachment to the State of Israel and its people as well as a sense of responsibility for their welfare.
Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov / Ohr Eliyahu
241 S. Detroit Street
Los Angeles, California 90036
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